Ryan Sweeney 118 E Main Street Suite 100 Louisville, KY 40202 Phone: (888) 955-5155 x 159 Email: [email protected] Website: https://hellospoke.com/
HelloSpoke products are extremely customizable, so you get phone calls and messages delivered the way you want. • Notifications sent as phone calls, text messages, and email • Managers will receive text alerts when emergency messages have not been responded to • Hand-off text alerts help staff know when going on or off call • Cordless phones (desk phone or mobile app) will keep staff connected anywhere • Connect your office with Microsoft Teams – chat, meet, call, and collaborate in one place When combining Business VoIP phone service and our Notify product, you can track everything. And we mean everything! • View call reports by employee • Eliminate “he said, she said” between residents and staff – all conversations are recorded • Make informed decisions on staffing and hours based on your hourly, daily and monthly call volume • See how your property compares to the rest of the industry for emergency response times • Know that all leasing calls are being followed up on with access to all outbound calls
Yardi Systems, Inc.
Kris Panks 154 Technology Parkway, Suite 100 Norcross, GA 30092 Phone: (770) 729-0007 Fax: (770) 729-0065 Email: [email protected]
Yardi® develops and supports industry-leading compliance, accounting and property management software for every type and size of affordable housing provider. We help streamline compliance with HOME, USDA Rural Housing, HUD 50059 and Low Income Housing Tax Credit programs. Clients choose Yardi for quality products, support and stability.

Walkway Restoration Mike Zatelli 4523 BrookPark Road Parma, OH 44134 Phone: 844-925-5929 Email: [email protected] Website: www.walkwayrestoration.com
Walkway Restoration Inc. is a nationwide company specializing in sidewalk trip hazard repair and concrete restoration IE: hole repair, crack repair, gap filling, concrete resurfacing for spalled surfaces and colored epoxy coatings. Our team is REAC trained and can help you achieve high scores. No cost inspections/estimates and comprehensive reports offered.

FJ & Associates, A Certified Public Accounting Firm Scott Farnes 1284 West Flint Meadow Drive, D Kaysville, UT 84037 Phone: (801) 927-1337 Fax: (801) 927-1344 Email: [email protected] Website: https://www.cpaone.net/
FJ & Associates accounting services include tax preparation for individuals, partnerships, sole proprietors, corporations, LLC'S, trusts and non-profits.
Realpage, Inc.
Stacey Blackwell 4000 International Pkwy. Carrollton, TX 75007 Phone: (972) 820-3000 Fax: (972) 820-3383 Email: [email protected]

Joe Weber 2084 S. Milwaukee Street Denver, Colorado 8010 Phone: (303) 249-9933 Email: [email protected] Website: staileycorp.com